Sunday, June 30, 2013

Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Healthy Fat Loss Tips for Vegetaria

Vegetarian Diet, Plan for Weight Loss,  Healthy Fat Loss, Tips for Vegetaria

The vegetarian diet is a diet without meat, but there are several gradations Some vegetarians do without red meat and poultry, but still eat fish, while others do not eat eggs and dairy products, animal products. And then there are completely vegetarians who eat eggs and also limited to yogurt and cream. Another type of vegetarian is a vegetarian food completely abandon animal. If you are vegetarian and you want to lose weight, you might be surprised that it works the same way that if you eat meat. But there is a catch, you must be more careful with the nutrients it needs.Being overweight as a vegetarian

It is a myth that vegetarians do not get fat because "only" eat plant foods and maybe a little milk. As vegetarians, there are many ingredients high in calories, such as the meat often replaced by nutrient-rich dairy products such as cream and cheese sauces are real calorie bombs. And those who eat breaded and fried Camembert, vegetarian alternative to a pork chop, digest a lot of fat. If vegetarians want to lose weight you need - like everyone else - identify fattening ingredients in your meals and replace them with low calorie ingredients.Be careful ironIf you lose weight, you should pay attention to the board! The biggest risk is the lack of iron for vegetarians. This essential element accumulates in the body and is mainly carried out by meat consumption. Although many plants also contain minerals, which are far from the required amount. Iron is needed for healthy blood and especially women can occur with vegetarian. Iron deficiency leads to anemia and other permanent health risks. Even more risky is the nutrition for vegans, and the risk of iron deficiency in daily meals is also the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.The vegetarian dietA vegetarian diet is always possible, even with these difficulties. They are available in different versions, one that other diets have in common: the caloric content of food is reduced and fat intake is limited. If you want to lose weight as a vegetarian diet can also customize the "non-vegetarian" to their own:. Substitute ingredients in recipes with meat products soy Although this should not be industrially processed soy vegetarian sausages and other meat substitutes because sugar and fat are added as a flavor enhancer that increases the calories of the food. You can go to soybean pellets, which are available in different forms in food stores health. Want to make sure your plate is GM soy free, buy biodynamic products.In addition, you must continue to take iron-rich vegetables. Make sure you do not digest dairy products, as they interfere with the absorption of iron. Iron is present, for example, green spelled, oats, raspberries, carrots, potatoes or whole grain bread

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