It is not a difficult task to cut hair at home, but can become boring if not follow the appropriate step in the procedure step in this article. Many people try to cut their own hair at home, but the result is unsatisfactory. Why? What is the reason? As I said, without any technical knowledge and if you run your own hair cut it
will definitely fail.Always keep in mind the haircut someone else is easier than cutting your own hair. Therefore, you should have a good knowledge of,
what woman does and how to start?
If the woman wants to learn to cut hair efficiently, following essential step will help her to provide satisfactory results for cutting hair at home: -
1. This step is essential here, you must gather all the necessary accessories at your office or place where you decided to cut your hair. First select a place where it is easy to observe yourself in a mirror, gather the following accessories scissors, a comb, a water spray bottle, towel, shampoo.
2. stay quiet, do not rush or you will lose everything. Check your hair from all angles and decide on an appropriate style that you want.
3. wash your hair well with good shampoo, or spray a little water to make it wet, it is easy to cut their hair when they are wet.
4. Now take the comb and make partition of your hair in the style if you plan to do a haircut typical partition and make it more simple hair cut two partitions are sufficient. Observe and examine each partition where you have long hair and short.
5. After completing the exam, with the help of paint you select a single partition and lift it to a certain level. It decided long or short hair you want, then lift the comb accordingly.
6. After raising the partition with your fingers and scissors cutting hair, roughly a half-inch is the normal size raise the comb. It totally depends on your choice how you want to keep the hair style.
Continue to reduce each partition following the same steps and keep control between the two so you can get an idea if you are going the right direction or not. By following these essential tips you will definitely get good results.
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